There’s Nothing Wrong with Failing

Erin Triyogo
2 min readMay 4, 2021
Photo by Jan Antonin Kolar on Unsplash

It’s not society these days, it’s us. Perfection is embedded so close to our current nature that we think that failing is a disgrace. We leave so little room for it. We do not allow ourselves to go through the phase, in peace, and more forgiving. We think they’re not normal at all.

There are plenty of things that we can call as failure. Getting brokenhearted and abandoned? Partners’ cheating? Seen incapable at work? Losing communication with best friends? Forgetting parents’ birthday? You name it. It’s not about the definition, or the event of failing itself that haunts you, it’s the feeling after. The guilt, the shame. Of course we triumph over success — promotion, closed project, happy marriage, so on. But can we take failing with the same view because it offers what success does not; growth?

Every single time things do not go your way, you are given a chance to think and to explore how to make it right. Every failed relationship shows you who you really are and what you really need. Every failed job opportunity teaches you what you need to improve, what you really like, and on top of that, to stop pursue things you do not like. And failing, it happens too often, it’s normal.

We triumph success, hardwork, beautiful things. But failures, sitting side by side with them, they are never too far. We may not need to cherish them, but when failures occur, may we can see them in a very neutral way. There’s really nothing wrong — you learn, you move on.

Jakarta, 04 May 2021



Erin Triyogo

I enjoy writing about life, love, and fiction, too.